Edward’s book, BECOME A HAPPINESS MILLIONAIRE TODAY! is available on amazon.com (and Edward is offering free coaching and lessons to sincere individuals). 



(*Call or text 435-669-6615 to ask how to also get a certificate in “Happiness Concepts”) ​

  • Happiness improves your overall health
  • Protects your heart. …(reduces heart disease by over 50%)
  • Happiness strengthens your immune system. …
  • Happiness combats stress. …
  • Happy people have fewer aches and pains. …
  • Happiness combats disease and disability
  • Happiness lengthens our lives
  • http://greatergood.berkeley.edu/article/item/six_ways_happiness_is_good_for_your_health

Happy people are more successful
Happy people get sick less often
Happy people have more friends
Having a positive attitude makes life easier
Have a positive influence on your loved ones
Happy people enjoy deeper conversations
Happy people eat more healthily and exercise more often
Happy people are more healthy people
Happy people are happy with what they have
Happy people are more productive and creative


An analysis of 30 happiness studies found that happiness adds several years to a person’s life.
Happy positive attitudes bring better outcomes in diabetes, cancer, chronic pain
Lowers heart rate
Lowers levels of  the stress hormone cortisol.

Have a greater tolerance for physical pain
Lowers concentrations of a plasma associated with heart disease
Companies pay 41% less in health related causes for employees who are happy and health
Among older people, optimists have a 77% less risk for heart disease then do pessimists.
When exposed to the viruses that cause colds and flu, people with a more positive outlook not only get sick less often, but recover faster.
People who are happy because they feel their lives have meaning and purpose (they helped out a friend in need, for example) experience healthy changes at the cellular level.


The Advantages Of Happiness  Why be happy, when I can be normal, or even ‘serious’? Because being happy has many advantages; a few of them are:

  1. Happier people live longer on an average, up to 10 years more. [The Nun Study]
  2. Happier people make better and faster decisions. [Journal of Consumer Research]
  3. Happier people have stronger immune systems, and endure pain better. [The Mexican Study]
  4. Happier people are more satisfied with their jobs, are more productive, & earn more. [Harvard Business Review study]
  5. Happier people have less depression & suicide, greater self-control & coping skills.
  6. Marriages are more likely to succeed when a couple experiences 5:1 positive ratio. [The Gottman Institute]

Happiness broadens your focus and expands your thinking
Happiness improves your ability to problem solve
​Happiness builds physical, intellectual and social resources
Happiness counteracts negative emotions
Happiness protects your health

The Benefits of Happiness and Positive Emotions

 Do better in social relationships
• Use their intelligence more efficiently
• Are more optimistic
• Have better physical health
• Are more creative

http://www.upperbay.org/DO%20NOT%20TOUCH%20-%20WEBSITE/articles/benefits%20of%20happiness.pdf  (article by Rich Bayer, Ph.D stating Dr. Martin Seligman’s summary of happiness benefits in his book, “Authentic Happiness”)

Superior work outcomes (Greater creativity, increased productivity, higher quality of work, higher income)
Stronger immune system
Better mental health
More activity, energy and flow
More likely to be more cooperative, pro-social and charitable
More likely to benefit their families, their community and society at large
Less symptoms of psychopathology (Less depression, less suicide, less paranoia)
Greater self control and coping abilities
More likely to enjoy larger social awards
More likely to become married
Less likely to become divorced
More likely to have more friends
More likely to enjoy stronger social support
More likely to enjoy richer social interactions

http://thehappinessshow.com/HappinessBenefits.htm#benefits list

The Benefits of Being Happy Happiness has many benefits. Happy people are way ahead of others, as science has proven:

  1. Happy people earn more, get rich more
  2. Happy people are more successful
  3. Happy people are more popular, more loved
  4. Happy people have better relationships
  5. Happy people have more friends, bigger social circle
  6. Happy people have more pleasant and satisfying marriages
  7. Happy people have better physical health
  8. Happy people are mentally stronger, yet calmer
  9. Happy people are kinder and help others more
  10. Happy people are better and more regarded leaders

Happiness Is A Learnable Skill Research has proven that our happiness levels can change significantly over our lifetimes, suggesting that happiness is actually a skill that can be learned.
“We don’t really think of happiness as a skill, but everything we’ve learned about the brain suggests that it’s no different than learning to play the violin or learning to engage in a complex sport.If you practice at it, you’ll get better at it.” – Richard J. Davidson, neuroscientist and professor at University of Wisconsin-Madison.
“Happiness is a skill, but it is a skill that has many components, and each of those components are constructive ways of being, like altruism or benevolence, compassion, inner peace, inner strength, inner freedom.” – Matthieu Ricard, molecular geneticist, author, and a Buddhist monk.
Happy People Are More Healthful Jose de Jesus Garcia Vega, Professor of Economics and the Director of the Center of Well-being Studies at University of Monterrey, Mexico, has famously written in in the World Book of Happiness“It is often said that people spend the best years of their life trying to make money and sacrificing their health and their family, only to spend the rest of their days paying that same money in an attempt to recover their lost health and their estranged family!”

One popular misconception about happiness is that happy people are somehow more likely to be lazy or ineffective. In fact research shows the opposite is true: happiness doesn’t just feel good, it actually leads to a wide range of benefits for our performance, health, relationships and more.
For example, economists at Warwick University showed different groups of people either a positive film clip or a neutral film clip and then asked them to carry out standard workplace tasks under paid conditions. The people who were primed to feel happy were 11% more productive than their peers, even after controlling for age, IQ and other factors. Similarly, researchers at Wharton Business School found that companies with happy employees outperform the stock market year on year and a team at UCL has discovered that people who are happy as young adults go on to earn more than their peers later in life.

Schools that focus on social and emotional well being have better academic results. Photograph: Andrew Fox / Alamy/AlamyIn healthcare, doctors who are happy have been found to make faster and more accurate diagnoses, even when this happiness was induced simply by giving them the small gift of a sugary sweet. In education, schools that focus on children’s social and emotional wellbeing experience significant gains in academic attainment as well as improvements in pupil behaviour. Happiness has also been linked to better decision-making and improved creativity.

So, rather than success being the key to happiness, research shows that happiness could in fact be the key to success.
But it doesn’t just help us function better: happiness also brings substantial benefits for society as a whole. For example, a review of more than 160 studies found “clear and compelling evidence” that happier people have better overall health and live longer than their less happy peers. They are around half as likely to catch the cold virus and have a 50% lower risk of experiencing a cardiovascular event such as a heart attack or stroke.

© Copyright 1998−2024 Edward Southwick All Rights Reserved

Daniel M.

June 2019 (Nevada) After hearing Edward give a short presentation on his Happiness and self-improvement group lessons it piqued my curiosity and got me questioning my latest stalled plans for my own happiness. It was truly a very bad time in my life (I was in despair and depressed) so I knew I had to do something. His short explanation about his group lessons and a brief talk with him afterwards gave me some hope, and he saw things in me that I didn't, and through some group lessons and personal coaching he was definitely able to bring out the best in me. Edward has given me the tools and steered me into a much better direction to build the foundation for a much better life and happier way of thinking no matter what the situation is at the time. In more concrete terms, I am healthier now and so amazingly happy, and even my financial situation has gotten better. With his guidance my life is now on a much better path than it has been in many years and I can't put into words or say enough how thankful I am for the help he has given me in the last few months. If I were you out there reading this, I would strongly recommend that you give him a call and put some trust not only in Edward but also in yourself, and you'll be amazed at the positive changes you can make with his coaching... and it keeps getting better.

Tim N. Colorado

I started personal life coaching with Edward about a year ago. At that time I was really struggling, feeling very down and in particular about a relationship I'd lost and couldn't seem to get past. I hadn't really been confident before either, but I was at a new low on confidence and self-esteem then. I really didn't believe I could ever get a relationship again, and certainly not one nearly as good as I'd had. So my life was pretty much on hold and I was very busy with my job and I wasn't really taking care of my health either.
Edward got me exercising more effectively and eating much more healthily, and I've lost weight and am in great shape now. But the biggest thing was how he was able to motivate me, especially in dating and really increase my confidence and get me to realize and use my strong points. In the beginning he coached me a lot on how to present myself and talk etc. I went from no dates to starting to get dates with woman around my age but that I wasn't necessarily that attracted to, to dating some my age who I was more interested in, and lately with even more confidence I've been able to now actually find and maintain a really great relationship with a much younger, attractive and smart woman. I couldn't have even imagined this before. I am so much happier, healthier and with this great relationship now. Even if you don't think your life can change I strongly recommend you give Edward a try.

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