Edward’s book, BECOME A HAPPINESS MILLIONAIRE TODAY! is available on amazon.com (and Edward is offering free coaching and lessons to sincere individuals). 

Edward Southwick


出 身:  アメリカ・ユタ州生まれ 
学 歴:  ウィーバーステイト大学卒  4 year degree (Bachelors of General Studies)
     ウィーバーステイト大学卒   1995年 (2nd- 4 year degree (Bachelor of Science) 
                     ファミリ- スタディズ学部専攻
        Ph.D.論文執筆中 (ハピネスと人間性/自己実現の関係)
言 語: 英語 & 日本語 堪能

資 格&タイトル:
     ハピネス専門家 ー 講師&カウンセラー
                家族生活教育士        1995年~現在
     国際 家族関係協会 (本部/米国)日本代表  2000年4~2004

講師 講演会 & セミナー/研修

                      地方自治体 / テレビ・ラジオ・雑誌・新聞などの出演
           不登校児/家庭内暴力 他
        <恋愛相談 人気コーナー>
           ライコス ジャパン & goo ネットカウンセリングで男女からの相談に答えている




作 家

   『ハッピーになるための10の習慣』 マガジンハウス社 1998年出版
   『顔分析』                星雲社        1989 年出版



  スタディ プラン プログラム(SPP)株式会社 代表取締役 1988 年~現在 日本
  ライフ サクセス 研究所            所長     1990年~現在 米国
  ハピネス財団法人                代表     1988年~現在 米国


   〔米国・宅地建物取引主任者  1988年~現在〕
 海外不動産 エルヴィス.プレスリーの家・ホテル・アパートメントビル・土地の売買・投資、

*ビジネスコンサルタント <経営方針&マーケティングシステム&売上向上/海外企業進出/交渉/不動産業 etc.>
   S.A.J.株式会社 代表取締役 (’88~現在) 米国
   多摩大学 ソシオビジネス研究所客員研究員(1999年~現在)

   NHK 他 / 英会話マスター法&国際人の講演 など

 宣教師の経験 2 年がある 
   (現在どの教会にも所属していませんが 宗教/宗派 全般についてコメント等を求められる)


空手 ・ バスケット ボール・ テニス ・スキー ・ 陸上 (マスターズ: 200&400m ユタ&モンタナ州大会優勝)・ペット       豊富な人生経験を生かし、クリエーティブな方法とアイディアを持ったハピネス研究家/家庭教育士&作家として
    エドワードのモットーは、『他人をもハッピーにすること』である スタディ プラン プログラム   (SPP)株式会社 

© Copyright 1998−2024 Edward Southwick All Rights Reserved

Daniel M.

June 2019 (Nevada) After hearing Edward give a short presentation on his Happiness and self-improvement group lessons it piqued my curiosity and got me questioning my latest stalled plans for my own happiness. It was truly a very bad time in my life (I was in despair and depressed) so I knew I had to do something. His short explanation about his group lessons and a brief talk with him afterwards gave me some hope, and he saw things in me that I didn't, and through some group lessons and personal coaching he was definitely able to bring out the best in me. Edward has given me the tools and steered me into a much better direction to build the foundation for a much better life and happier way of thinking no matter what the situation is at the time. In more concrete terms, I am healthier now and so amazingly happy, and even my financial situation has gotten better. With his guidance my life is now on a much better path than it has been in many years and I can't put into words or say enough how thankful I am for the help he has given me in the last few months. If I were you out there reading this, I would strongly recommend that you give him a call and put some trust not only in Edward but also in yourself, and you'll be amazed at the positive changes you can make with his coaching... and it keeps getting better.

Tim N. Colorado

I started personal life coaching with Edward about a year ago. At that time I was really struggling, feeling very down and in particular about a relationship I'd lost and couldn't seem to get past. I hadn't really been confident before either, but I was at a new low on confidence and self-esteem then. I really didn't believe I could ever get a relationship again, and certainly not one nearly as good as I'd had. So my life was pretty much on hold and I was very busy with my job and I wasn't really taking care of my health either.
Edward got me exercising more effectively and eating much more healthily, and I've lost weight and am in great shape now. But the biggest thing was how he was able to motivate me, especially in dating and really increase my confidence and get me to realize and use my strong points. In the beginning he coached me a lot on how to present myself and talk etc. I went from no dates to starting to get dates with woman around my age but that I wasn't necessarily that attracted to, to dating some my age who I was more interested in, and lately with even more confidence I've been able to now actually find and maintain a really great relationship with a much younger, attractive and smart woman. I couldn't have even imagined this before. I am so much happier, healthier and with this great relationship now. Even if you don't think your life can change I strongly recommend you give Edward a try.

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